Tuesday, October 1, 2019


The software sector is constantly growing and the search of companies for the optimization of time and investment as well. Given this scenario, IT team collaborators who add knowledge and functions in their curricula will have better opportunities to position themselves better in the market. The labor market is very competitive and who does not improve is left behind.   It is perceived that programmers are always in search of new languages ​​and attentive to changes. If languages ​​change, professionals in the area need to update themselves so as not to lose career opportunities. Technology companies constantly innovate. They are contexts of the IT market that increasingly require professionals. One of the desired and practically essential activities at the moment for network engineers is also to know how to program. It is not enough to only work with hardware and architecture of local networks, it is necessary to enhance the knowledge of that professional, so that he is more used by companies. As the software assumes the discipline of networks, engineers who do not know how to code a general programming language will be set aside. This change in the position of network engineers is essential for the networking industry , as programming skills will be increasingly essential. Professionals need to automate their environments to keep up. But, for that to happen, they need better methods and programming control equipment, better tools and an increased use of network virtualization. Network engineers also need programming skills to use the new tools and new programmatic access. Para muchos, eso no es una novedad, existen muchos ingenieros de red que ya han programando por años y años. Lo que cambió son las exigencias: además de habilidades de programación, es necesario una comprensión más amplia y profunda de la programación. Hay ciertos empleos, funciones y empresas que estarán inmunes a eso, pero para muchas otras, el interés de que sus ingenieros de red sepan programar está muy presente. Habiendo un profesional con esas habilidades de programación, la empresa percibirá que el trabajo será hecho de una forma mucho mejor y con eso aumentará su valor en el mercado. Como consecuencia, la profesión tendrá un valor mayor en el mercado también.

electrical engineering jobs near me

    Hardware engineering is very different from software engineering, with electrical engineering and computer science meeting to create eng...